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Chuẩn Dùng Cho Sắc Ký

Mã SP: chuan

500 Series Method – US EPA Safe Drinking Water Act


Sản phẩm chi tiết

500 Series Method – US EPA Safe Drinking Water Act
-  Method 501.1, 501.2, 501.3 – Trihalomethane
-  Method 502.1, 502.2 – Volatile Halogenated
-  Method 504.1 – Ethylene Dibromide/Dibromochloropropane
-  Method 505 – Organohalide Pesticide & PCBs
-  Method 506 – Phthalate & Adipate Ester
-  Method 507 Nitrogen & Phosphorus Pesticide
-  Method 508, 508.1, 508A – Chlorinated Pesticide
-  Method 515, 515.4 – Chlorinated Acid Herbicide
-  Method 521 – Nitrosamine
-  Method 524.1, 524.2 – Volatile Organic
-  Method 525, 525.1, 525.2, 526 – Semivolatile Organic
-  Method 527 – Pesticide & Flame Retardant (GC/MS)
-  Method 528 – Phenol
-  Method 529 – Nitroaromatic & Nitramine
-  Method 531.1, 531.2 – Carbamate
-  Method 532 – Phenylurea Pesticide
-  Method 535 – Chloroacetanilide Herbicide Degrate
-  Method 547 – Glyphosate
-  Method 549.2 – Paraquat/Diquat
-  Method 551.1 – Chlorinated Pesticides & Herbicides
-  Method 552, 552.1, 552.2, 552.3 – Haloacetic Acid and Dalapon
-  Method 555 – Chlorinated Acid
600 Series Methods – US EPA Clean Water Act
-  Method 601 – Purgeable Hydrocarbons
-  Method 602 – Purgeable Aromatic
-  Method 603 – Acrolein/ Acrylonitrile
-  Method 604 - Phenol
-  Method 605 – Benzidine/3,3’ - Dichlorobenzidine
-  Method 606 – Phthalate Ester
-  Method 607 - Nitrosamine
-  Method 608 – Organochlorine Pesticide & PCBs
-  Method 609 – Nitroaromatics & Isophrone
-  Method 610 – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAHs)
-  Method 611 - Haloether
-  Method 612 – Chlorinated Hydrocarbon
-  Method 615 – Chlorinated Acid Herbicide
-  Method 624 – Purgeable Halocarbon
-  Method 625 – Semivolatile Organic
8000 Series Method - Solid Waste Analyse
-  Method 418.1 – Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbon
-  Method 1311 – Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure
-  Method 1664 – Oil & Grease
-  Method 3500 – Organic Extraction Surrogate
-  Method 8010 – Halogenated Volatile Organic
-  Method 8011 – 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane
-  Method 8020 – Aromatic Volatile Organic
-  Method 8021 – Volatile Organic
-  Method 8040 – Phenol
-  Method 8061A – Phthalate Ester
-  Method 8080, 8081 – Chlorinated Pesticide
-  Method 8082, 8082A – PCBs
-  Method 8095 – Explosive by GC
-  Method 8100 – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
-  Method 8140, 8141 – Organophosphorus Pesticide
-  Method 8150, 8151, 8151A – Chlorinated Acid Herbicide
-  Method 8240 – Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
-  Method 8260, 8260A, 8260B - Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
-  Method 8270D, 8270C – Sermivolatile Organic Compound
-  Method 8310 – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
-  Method 8315 – Aldehyde/Ketone DNPH by HPLC
-  Method 8321 – Chlorinated Acid by HPLC
-  Method 8330 – Nitroaromatic and Nitramine by HPLC
ASTM Method
-  E1368 and E1618 – Fire Debris Analysic
-  D2887-01, D2887, D3710-95 – Simulated Distillation Petrochemical Mixture
-  D4059-96- PCB Standard Oil
-  D5197 – Formadehyde and other Carbonyl Compound in Air
-  D5836-03- Isocyanates in Indoor Air
-  D6042- 96 – Plastic Container Testing
-  D6352 -98 – Polywax Standards
-  D6584-00 – Biodiesel
-  D6730-01 – Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels
Other Materials
- Petroleum Standards
- USP OVI Solvent
- Organic Acids
- Fatty Acid Methyl Esters
- Derivatization Reagents
- FAPAS Food Testing
- Dimethyldichlorosilane Deactivating Agent
- Test Mixes, GC, HPLC & OQ/PQ


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